Sunday, September 25, 2011

Networking isn't just talking to yourself

Since the announcement of Social Spaz's future, I've had people start to ask me what it is exactly I do all day. Then, the less tactful people accuse me of doing absolutely nothing. This makes me smile because, while I may not have the normal 9-5 with a fancy desk and a water cooler near by, I work my fingers off just like the rest of the world.

I'm not going to give you a play-by-play just yet, instead I want to focus on one of the most important facets of starting your own business, especially one that revolves around the online world, and something I spend many hours working on.

Online networking.

Some people just POST on their social media sites and blogs and that's it. Networking isn't just talking to yourself folks. You need to go online and find things related to what you're doing. Find sites and discussion boards and become involved. Comment, email and be social. This will help you create a whole different network that will be a great tool for your business' future. I am constantly going through message boards and websites, commenting, liking and emailing intelligent, opinionated people who have common interests. A wonderful client or a supportive fan base could be a comment away!

Note: I'm talking about ONLINE networking only. You should already be doing face-to-face interactions.

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