Monday, October 17, 2011

McDonalds gets its own channel: McTV

Do you love McDonalds? Do you often go there to eat off of the dollar menu or grab one of their amazing sweet teas? Do you find yourself pining for its greasy goodness when you're stuck eating vegetables or fruit? Have you ever been awake in bed and thought "Man, I wish I could have me some McDonalds?"

Well now your dreams have been realized.

Soon you will be able to get your McDonalds' fill by watching its very own TV channel called McTV.

"The intention is to catch and engage the customer, and then enhance their experience," says an executive behind the project. And let me tell you, I will watch it at least once to see what's going on.

McDonalds' exclusive channel will have corporate-approved content like entertainment news, advertising and spots on local moms and athletes. Does anyone else find this strange?

McTV has been testing in Los Angeles, San Diego and Las Vegas so far and it is estimated to reach 18 million to 20 million viewers there. This channel will be in about 800 California restaurants and could become a nationwide gig. 

So if you love you some McDonalds, fret not-- McTV could be coming to a TV near you.

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