Thesixtyone, is an awesome site that, from the home page you are already in the loop of new artists making new music. Become a member or not, either way you can still browse through pages and pages of new artists and great music.
When you sign up (which you really should) you go in as either a listener, an artist, or a label. I can’t even pretend to be a music artist or a label so I went with what I know.
From the get-go you dive into new artists and their songs.
The neat thing about this site is how you can navigate it according to your own interests. You can go to Explore or Popular. Popular is my favorite because it has the option of Moods. I wish more sites had this option because sometimes you don’t know exactly what you want, you just know what you are in the mood for.

Another point of interest that thesixtyone has, is that while on each artist’s page, little tidbits of info pop up and once clicking on them you can learn more about the person or band. It’s pretty nifty if I do say so myself.

Don’t follow the crowd, better yet, beat the crowd to the punch. Go to and see what it’s all about.
Interesting; I'm giving it a try today. Registered an account and am listening right now...