Social Spaz is all over the place lately! Expanding, new hires, more business and lots of social media! Right now we'd like to take a second to give you a taste of a new project called "Almost There!" If you're a fan of HGTV and a fellow DIYer, this new blog is just for you!
So here's a sneak peek of one of Almost There's blog posts!
Do you have a mantel that makes you ashamed? Does it have so much potential that you know you've missed? Are there random knick knacks that you just threw up there because--let's be honest--there isn't anywhere else to put the bronze skull statue your significant other bought at a garage sale or that Beanie Baby that lost its tag when you were 12?
To me, the mantel is like your living room's thesis statement--this is who I am, this is what I love.
There are so many statements you can make that it's easy to get gun shy. You dig the fam jam, are totally utilitarian, have a wicked color addiction or dance to the own beat of your drum. Which will it be? And once you have a theme, will you be able to pull it off?
Well I may not have a fireplace/mantle but I have a lot of ideas of what I want to do with one when I have it. Here's a compilation of ideas and pictures taken (and linked back to) other blogs and Pinteresters plus a few ideas of my own!
Honey & Fitz (a blog definitely worth a follow) posted an article that inspired my love of the mantel I don't-yet-have. In this
post they had a picture that showed the flow of a nicely decorated mantel for those needing a creative boost.
Normally I try to come up with my own decorating rules (because my momma raised me stubborn) but what Honey & Fitz did (and
Steven and Chris before them) really pleases me. Visually it's pleasant and has a lot of potential.
So here are five easy ways to make a visual triangle out of your lovely mantel décor plus some great Pinterest finds to make my imaginary mantel aesthetically-pleasing.
1.) Center a large piece on your mantel.You can go either art or mirror. I love the look that a unique mirror can bring to a room but for a mantel I would have to go with art. So, in my quest to decorate MY future mantel, I picked Artist
Yuka Nareta's Focus. This watercolor appreciates my love for whites space, color and inspirational quotes.
2.) Add something with movement to the left. You want your eye to visually flow from one direction to the other.
This is where I go in search of fun knick knacks that are a part of a collection and of varying sizes. How about those trendy owls? You just can't go wrong with owls--no matter their color, size or medium. Place the shortest one on the outside and line them up to the tallest.
3.) Add something with visual weight on the right. This will counterbalance the movement element on the left.
This is where that great vase you have tucked away in a cabinet or lonely on top of the refrigerator comes into play. Bold, beautiful color or wacky design would definitely make a statement. I personally want a vase that, even if there aren't beautiful flowers in it, can still make a statement. So I mustache you, why not a vase with facial hair?
4.) Layer in a couple of additional frames pieces in a cluster.
This is when I would bring out the funky colored frames of different sizes and designs and fill them with silly pictures of loved ones.
5.) Balance that on the opposite side with a couple of accessories in a cluster of varying heights.
Books, books, books! If you're a book lover then you have plenty of them around. Do you have a few special editions that are just adorable? Use them! Take a few books and stack them up to the right of your mantel. Get a few more little knick knacks that don't necessarily come from the same collection and place them on top of those lovely books!
These are the five steps to make a great-looking mantel. To tell your guests that YOU ARE AWESOME and so is your house! If you're like me and don't have a fire place or a mantel yet, don't fret! You can still design one and dream!
Remember, we may not have our dream house yet, but we're almost there!
All images not credited can be found on the Pinterest board "Fire Over Here!"