By: Steven Caldwell
Social Spaz note: Last December I revisited in THIS article. Since then I've asked Steven, a Social Spaz intern, to find an old site that was reviewed and break it down in his own words. The following article is his way of showing us that he knows what he's talking about!
While researching the social media sites that Social Spaz reviewed I was instantly enthralled by, it appeals to the eclectic, Indie music lover within.
Steven Caldwell is a Social Spaz intern and a marketing major. If you want to send him an email go right ahead! is like the 90’s Pop-up Video meets Pandora with a sprinkle of the Genius bar, an amazing combination in my opinion. The major pro’s to this site are that the target demographic is great with 18-25 being the primary while a secondary market exists for 18-35 and a minute cohort of 25-40, this makes an advertising cash cow for minimal and moderately priced items related specialized memorabilia.
The downside, as with any niche market, is that the consumer retention threshold is extremely low, about 10-30 seconds depending on the first song that plays when the site is opened.
With such a low threshold, consumer saturation is difficult as well as market penetration efforts if advertising initiatives are pursued; leaving such campaigns open to horrendous losses and potential hemorrhage of funds if the slightest miscalculation is made during the research report.
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