Friday, March 30, 2012

Facebook Pages: 5 Reasons to be Annoyed at Timeline

I love Facebook. I'm Facebook obsessed. So, it's rare to get a FB rant out of me, but I'm here to tell you that I am not down with the new Timeline format for Pages.

Let me take a quick moment to say that I am completely fine with Timeline for personal Facebooks. It's more organized, more graphic, a lot more interactive but not mind-blowingly different from the last one. All they really did was put our profiles in boxes and threw a timeline on the side. I don't mind this change at all because, the truth of the matter is, Facebook always changes and I always forget what exactly it looked like beforehand. Don't lie, you do too.

So when it was announced that Timeline was going to become available for Pages I was stoked! The new cover photo feature was an exciting feature I was ready to utilize. Not to mention, with the boxes of Timeline, you get to see more of the Page's content without having to scroll down and search.

HOWEVER! I was deceived.

Five reasons why Facebook, in my opinion, defiled Timeline for Pages:

1. Why, oh, why did you stack everything on the top of the Page?
Notifications, New Likes, Messages (this feature I happen to like a lot, just not where it's placed), Insights and Page Tips are the first thing that loads when you click on a Page you admin. I know there isn't ample amount of room to store these sections, but I just feel like FB could find better places for them. Why not do the whole sidebar bit? Maybe store it under the new Manage tab at the top? Sure, that tab annoys me, but I'd rather get the drop down than everything jumbled at the top.
Maybe I wouldn't have as much as an issue with the placement if...

2. Business Pages tend to load SO SLOWLY now. When I go to a Page (and mind you, I run about a dozen) the cover photo loads on top for an instant and then, realizing it has to go to the bottom of the Page to make room for Notifications, New Likes, etc., it moves down. The white space then slowly fills with all the info. that has to go at the top of the Page now.
Also, sometimes I'm impatient and like to scroll down to see my Page's wall. So when it is loading I'm already scrolling. But, again, the whole Page loads so slowly. I have to wait for the top to load and then my wall, and then the rest of the top section.

3. TABS--where did you go my lovies? You used to be under the profile picture, all neat and organized and pretty. Then, Timeline came along and I thought they would do something special for you. But, alas, you were attached to the bar that held the About, Photos and Likes. Only three boxes can be shown on this bar. You have to hit the down arrow to see more options. This really messed up businesses that utilize multiple tab sections that they want to be visible at all times. Because, honestly, most people aren't going to really look around your Page to search for a drop down menu of your once-loved tabs.

4. I manage about a dozen different Pages, daily. When I'm on my news feed I click on the Page I want to sign in as and, with the old version of Pages, I would go to the right sidebar to be that Page. It was a simple, simple process. Now, I have to wait for my Page to load and click the Manage drop down and then click the Use Facebook as So and So. I know this a knit-picky thing to complain about, but it's one more step that I didn't have before and it almost feels like it slows down my flow from Page to Page.

5. Let me revisit the slow issue. When I scroll down on a Page to see earlier posts, it takes a good while for them to load. I have faster response time on my personal Page and it just irks me. I only put up with it because it's MY Page, so what about those people who are just browsing? Will they get annoyed and just leave? Am I losing some potential viewers because of slow Page response time?

These are the reasons why I am disappointed in Timeline for Pages so far. Knowing Facebook, they'll make more changes to, hopefully, make it better. Until then, know when you go to a Facebook Page that I cringe with you.
If you have different reasons, be sure to comment!

1 comment:

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