I started Social Spaz's Tumblr as a place to review social media sites and now I'm revisiting a few of my favorites.
For: People who dig lists
Lists are things your mom makes before she goes to the grocery store. ListGeeks.com are lists that everyone else makes that put your mom’s to shame.
Let’s be real, a good majority of people who use more than the top tier social media sites are, in some form, geeks at heart. Once upon a time this may have been a description looked down upon by society, but now being geeky can be a glorification of sorts. ListGeeks.com may have said description in it, but don’t let it throw you. ListGeeks is clever and fun.
ListGeeks.com is all about creating, sharing, and comparing lists made by you and other members.
Okay, let me go ahead and stop that inner voice from saying, “Why would a website about lists be interesting?” Why would posting pictures and reading statuses of people you don’t really care about keep you enticed for hours on end? Because, with people come diversity and the people on ListGeeks come up with some pretty interesting lists.
I’m going to list you the cool features:
1. You can create any kind of list you want that can be seen by everyone on Most Recent Lists.

2. ListGeeks gives you two numbers on each list. The first number represents the people you are following (yes, you can follow people on ListGeeks) who have made their own version of the list you are looking at. The second number is the total number of people who have created a version of the list. I think this feature if pretty nifty and after browsing through most recent lists I saw the “Zombie Apocalypse To-Do List” and made my own version of it. There were four more version on the site.

3. You can browse the Most Popular Lists, these lists are usually pretty fun.4. According to the About page, the creators (based in Berlin, Hamburg and NYC) are saying that ListGeeks.com is currently in beta. They are asking their users to let them know if anything messes up or if they have any feedback to make the site better. This is exciting for me for the fact that, since it is in beta, it can only get better. (Please note that I wanted you to read “beta” and “better” as “betta” to be funny.)
All-in-all, I really enjoy ListGeeks. It’s addictive and makes me want to make lists so awesome that people will create alternate versions of them. So if you have an affinity for being clever or if you just want to make a legitimate list about places you hope to visit one day or your favorite songs, ListGeeks is the place.
Yay! Nice review of a nicely done site.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know something like this existed! I was just thinking about making a list while I was washing my hands.
ReplyDeleteAnother great site for lists/goals/etc. http://accompl.sh/